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  • Writer's picturewendyjarvisauthor

Ducks Adapt and So Must We!

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Ducks must adapt in order to survive. People need to as well. At no other time has our ability to adapt been tested than during the Covid Global Pandemic. We have had to adapt and change the way we do business, aquire goods and communicate with each other. I'm not sure where we would be without the internet. It has been the lifeline of information exchange, social interraction and transactions.

Our ability to adapt to the new 'normals' has determined whether we are merely surviving or able to thrive. None of us were prepared for this level of change in such a short amount of time. When we use the term adapt it comes with an underrstanding of change over time. For instance, ducks that began making their homes further and further north, over generations adapted to the colder climate.

This pandemic has demanded change over a short period of time. I have heard the term pivot being used to described the quick changes businesses need to make to their business model in order to continue during the state of emergency that was imposed over night. Businesses that did not rely on on line customers had to make drastic changes and rethink how to serve customers.

On an individual level, people have had to adjust to shortages and lines to buy products. It has made many value our priviledges of the past when we could move where we wanted, when we wanted. Spending time with family and friends has a whole new level of appreciation.

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